U of L - Literature Club


Welcome new executive team! 
Co-presidents: Richard Mellaart & Sarah Petersen
Secretary/ Treasurer: Tim Ho 
Events Coordinator: Taryn Fritz

Chris Wallace

I'm entering my fifth year here at the University of Lethbridge as an English / Language Arts Education Student. I am actively involved in many aspects of campus life, including NSO, EUS and Language/Writing Tutoring. I enjoy reading, writing, cross country running, acting, theatre and film. I started the U of L Lit Club in order to provide students with a setting to analyze and discuss literature outside of the classroom.  I'm very excited about our plans for this year and encourage anyone and everyone to join. Here's to a fantastic second year for the Lit Club!

Annalise Shewchuk

I'm in my last year of a Bachelor of Science and am hoping to go on to med school. So I love this club because it gives me a chance to read something other than textbooks! As well I really enjoy the variety of majors in our club because the different backgrounds make for such great discussions. With all of our returning members and so many new ones I think we'll have an amazing year!